RSS is a fabulous technology that gives you access to content as it gets uploaded. Although it can be a great way to stay tuned to your favorite blogs and feeds, it can also be a trap. Too many feeds can lead to attention overload and a rising inbox.
My suggestions:
1. Don’t keep more than 10-20 feeds at a time. If the blogs you subscribe to are particularly vwordy, you may want to keep it under a dozen. The goal with information is knowledge. That isn’t possible when thousands of articles are spewed at you from across the world wide web each day.
2. Set RSS Times - Same as e-mail. Having a time to empty your reader and don’t let it accumulate.
3.Cycle Feeds - Force yourself to unsubscribe to feeds you no longer feel are worthwhile. I’ve subscribed to a blogger after seeing a few good entries. But if it seems they are becoming repetitive or too self-indulgent I have no problems dumping them off my list.
4. Use Bloglines to collect RSS feeds: Bloglines, and other feed readers like Bloglines, are very easy to use. First, create an account at www.Bloglines.com. They require an e-mail address and password. Once registered, you'll be able to subscribe to hundreds of popular websites, including tech sites, blogs, news and political sites.
5. Subscribe to LIFETWEAK2.0
Check out Steve Rubel's "Ten RSS Hacks" over at Micro Persuasion
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